Sims-a-thon #2 (but my first)

Hey there everyone!

It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me but my life has been crashing in at a lot of edges and I was busy holding it together, while fixing what had to be fixed. I’m actually still debating whether or not I should make a blogpost about the last year (yeah, that’s how long it took, just to make plans for getting my sh*t together). Tell me your thoughts about if I should or not, if you’d like! If you want more private info before “voting”, just let me know as well. You can simply comment or message me on Twitter/Instagram (both @jasmine_lexa). Ps: I deleted my previous private Twitter and changed it over to my second one; if anyone was wondering about the name change.

simsathon banner

Anyway, let’s get into the actual post. As none of you would know, I’m not really a gamer, but I’ve always loved playing Sims as a kid, so when I saw that there was a readathon being created just around exactly that game – I freaked out. It got me back into wanting to blog, actually. Besides having more brain capacity for everything that wasn’t fixing my messy life. The readathon has been created by a bunch of lovely bookish people, but I stumbled upon this over at Lauren’s blog.

To keep this short and going up somewhat early this month, I’m not going to talk about the books I’m planning to read. Also, because I have no clue yet! (I’m already one week late here, but exams are keeping me in a chokehold, together with starting a new job tomorrow. Don’t judge me, I’m judging myself enough already. 😀 )

Here’s the challenges:

simsathon live mode challengessimsathon career option challengesSimsathon Outdoor Retreat Challenges

Here’s the readathon with the rules in video format!

That’s it from me today. See you in a mid-readathon or the wrap-up post! Let me know if you’re participating as well. Until then, stay healthy and have a good time.

4 thoughts on “Sims-a-thon #2 (but my first)

  1. Ahhh yay, I’m so glad you’re joining in 🙌🏻 I can’t wait to see what you end up reading.

    I’d definitely be interested in hearing about where you’ve been and how you are (if you want to share!) because I totally get how it is to be struggling and feeeling like you need to get your shit together haha. I really hope you’re doing okay now 💕

    I also followed you on insta and Twitter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s probably not going to be a lot, but if I end up even just finishing two or three books, I’ll be super happy, because that would mean I’d have at least somewhat of a reading routine again 😀

      Oh yes, the struggle was real as hell. Maybe it will even help someone else, at least I hope. So, I guess there’ll be a blog post about that coming up sometime this month. Once I got all thoughts out and sorted 🙂
      Right now I’m definitely doing better, even though it still has a huge impact on the present and next couple of years.

      Thanks! Just followed you back 😀 ❤


      1. yes, definitely! before last month i had only read 4 books so just finishing 1 made me so happy 😂 good luck with everything!

        ahhh, i hope things stay as relatively stress free as possible for you. it’s really good hearing from you again 🖤!!

        Liked by 1 person

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